Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Have some questions about our products? Find out more below.

1. Why do I need a Will?

Well, you can leave the distribution of your assets to the law but you may not like the way the Distribution Act 1958 determines how your assets are distributed and the lengthy and arduous process.

Without a Will, your family will require an application for the Letter of Administration which takes over six months to arrive due to the additional legal requirements to be complied with.

With a Will, the time to complete distribution is considerably shortened as your family won’t have to search for guarantors or a reliable administrator. You can also ensure that the welfare of your children are taken care of by appointing a guardian while you still retain control over your assets even after writing your Will.

2. What if I have no beneficiary to leave my assets to?

Even if you do not have any surviving family members that you would like to give to, you can always consider charitable contribution to organisations for the needy.

3. ​Why do I need a Trust?

Trust is an excellent solution for many different kinds of problems regarding wealth accumulation, wealth protection, wealth preservation and wealth distribution. Having a will written is important, however unlike a Will, a Trust can serve many purposes to complete estate planning. For example, a Trust allows wealth protection and preservation which a Will cannot do.

4. Can I name anyone as my beneficiaries?

Yes, anyone can be the beneficiary(ies) including the Settlor, who creates the Trust.

5. Can I revoke/amend the Trust?

Yes, as the Settlor, you can revoke/amend it as long as it is a Revocable Trust.

6. Does a Trust apply to Muslim and non-Muslim?


Step-by-Step Guide

Step 1

Choose which trustee/ will-writing service provider after comparing their prices and benefits most suited to client’s needs

Step 2

Identify client’s beneficiaries and their allotted portion for distribution.

Step 3

Generate a list of client’s current asset in hand eg. Land/property, bank accounts, etc.

Step 4

Determine what asset will be distributed to whom according to client’s wishes.

Step 5

Making sure the client’s wishes are properly conveyed into their will.
1. What type of asset class do you offer?

We offer a variety of asset management services including IPO trading and multi class asset funds.

2. Are there any risks for these products?

All investment class comes with different risks, be it return risk, early redemption risk or market risk. It is up to client’s own risk appetite.

3. Will investors get to know the risk level of these products?

It will be stated clearly in product sales document and memorandums.

4. Will investors receive any reports on their investment?

Depending on the specific investment, investors will receive biweekly/monthly/quarterly statement on their investment.

Step-by-Step Guide

Step 1

Determine client’s goal and risk appetite; are they looking for asset growth or fixed income?

Step 2

Recognize client’s risk tolerance to their goal.

Step 3

Advise client whether their goal are feasible compared to their risk tolerance.

Step 4

Refer portfolio or asset class specifically suited to client’s needs.
1. What does corporate advisory mean?

A specific service offering provided to advise on financing solutions for public and private corporations, financial institutions and government clients.

2. What are examples of corporate advisory services?

Corporate advisory services include a wide range of services by itself. Main services include corporate restructuring, loan syndication, liaison and making preparations for joint ventures, mergers & acquisitions, etc.

3. Why is corporate advisory needed?

With the world growing at a rapid pace, companies may want to seek out new opportunities like expansion or joint ventures. The transactions and formalities involved may be too much for a company to handle, and that is where the advisors for such services come in. The specialist will ensure such transactions to be hassle-free, effectively giving the company time and effort to handle other tasks.